Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Shino Aburame
Rank: Chunin
Status: Alive
Former Sensei:
  • Kurenai Yuhi
Former Team:
  • Kiba Inuzuka
  • Hinata Hyuga
  • Shibi Aburame (Father)
Notable Traits:
  • Heir to the Aburame Clan
  • Parasitic Insects
Notable Jutsu:
  • Hidden Jutsu: Beetle Sphere
  • Hidden Jutsu: Insect Cocoon
  • Wall Of Insects Jutsu
  • Spindle Formation
  • Human Cocoon Jutsu
  • Insect Summoning Jutsu
  • Insect Clone
  • Parasitic Insects Jutsu
  • Iron Tackle

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